Wichita City Council votes to allow golf carts on city streets
Mar 18, 2025
WICHITA, Kan. (KSNW) -- The Wichita City Council voted Tuesday to allow golf carts on city streets. The vote was 6-1, with Becky Tuttle voting no, citing safety concerns.
In January, the council approved allowing golf carts on some streets, 4-3. The proposed ordinance included many other restrict
ions. It would have gone into effect if the council had approved it again at its next meeting, but that did not happen.
Instead, some citizens spoke out at the meeting and accused the council of a lack of transparency and trying to push through the nation’s most restrictive golf cart ordinance. The Wichita City Council decided to delay its final vote on the ordinance until it could get feedback from citizens.
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At a workshop last month, the council members received feedback from some of the district advisory boards and learned how neighboring towns have worded their golf cart ordinances. The council asked city staff to make changes to Wichita's proposed ordinance.
The first section of Tuesday's proposed ordinance defines the difference between golf carts, ATVs, micro-utility trucks and worksite utility vehicles.
Golf carts would only be allowed on streets with a speed limit of 30 mph or under. They could cross roadways with higher speed limits, but only at controlled intersections.
They would not be allowed on any sidewalk, jogging path, trail, or place generally used for pedestrian traffic. They would also not be allowed on bike trails, on-street bike lanes, or locations typically designated for bicyclists.
Drivers must be at least 16 years old, have a valid, non-restricted driver's license, and have liability coverage.
To be allowed on streets, golf carts need brake lights, tail lights, rear reflectors, brakes, and at least one functioning rearview mirror.
Golf carts would not be allowed on streets between sunset and sunrise unless they have lights as required by state law for motorcycles and a properly mounted slow-moving vehicle emblem as required by state law.
Golf carts would have to stay to the extreme right of the roadway and yield to pedestrians, bicycles and other vehicles.
The number of people allowed on a golf cart would be limited to the number of factory-installed seats. Bench seats would be limited to three people. Passengers would not be allowed to ride on the driver's or another passenger's lap.
The ordinance would not apply to golf carts used solely on public and private golf courses or personal property.
The ordinance says violators could be punished with a fine of up to $200.
If you cannot attend the Wichita City Council meeting, you can watch it on YouTube by clicking this link. ...read more read less