FRESNO, Calif. (KSEE/KGPE) - Assemblywoman Esmeralda Soria, who represents communities in Fresno, Madera and Merced counties, has announced she will be running for State Senate.
Soria announced on Monday her official candidacy for California's 14th State Senate District in 2026.
The assemblym
ember says the State Senate will give her the opportunity to "do even more for the valley." She will be replacing Senator Anna Caballero, who officials say has endorsed Soria for the seat.
"In the assembly, she's proven that she can bring resources home, stand up for working families, and deliver real results," Caballero said. "I know she will continue that leadership in the Senate and I am proud to support her."
Soria currently represents California's 27th Assembly District, which encompasses areas of Merced, Fresno and Madera counties. more read less