Grandview Heights votes to charge owners for sidewalk fixes
Mar 17, 2025
GRANDVIEW HEIGHTS, Ohio (WCMH) — The city of Grandview Heights is in the process of determining the next steps for its sidewalk program and wishes there was more time before decisions are made.
Grandview Heights City Council held a special meeting on Monday night. The agenda packet includes
a two-and-a-half-page list of properties and the cost of sidewalk replacement associated with those addresses. The prices listed range from about $400 to more than $5,000 depending on how many panels have been identified as needing to be replaced.
Council approved the list, putting the cost of that sidewalk replacement on the property owner.
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“I feel like it's minor, I’m a very minor situation," Diane Mountz said about the sidewalk work deemed necessary in front of her home. "I do have one I know that has a crack but I fill it with that cement filler and it's fine."
The list called for one sidewalk panel by her home to be replaced. Under Grandview's program, property owners can pay the city the listed price or hire a contractor.
“I hope the city will reconsider. Our taxes are so high anyway, I would hope they would be able to cover that," Mountz said.
In a statement, the city of Grandview Heights said per state law, sidewalk maintenance is the responsibility of the homeowner.
“That is something that's been done in the past it's just been a very long time and I'm sure there are a lot of people who have moved in since then and weren't aware of the program," Councilmember Michelle Kozak said.
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Kozak said she'd like to talk with city staff and other council members about if the city covering the cost of sidewalk repairs for owner-occupied single-family homes would be possible. She also had concerns about the timeline for Monday's vote.
“I just want the residents to be able to have a voice in this and have enough time to come and let us know what they think about it so and just for council too; it's not really a lot of time for us to have found out about it Friday and then be expected to come in tonight, and you might want to do some research," she said.
The city also said it covers the cost of repairs to sidewalks if trees cause the damage. The statement also said the city will grind down trip hazards to extend the life of sidewalk panels before needing to replace them. more read less