Village planning board approves Byrne Dairy application
Mar 17, 2025
CAZENOVIA — On March 10, the Village of Cazenovia Planning Board approved an application for site plan, special use permit, and architectural approval for a new Byrne Dairy convenience store by a vote of four in favor and one opposed.
Sonbyrne Sales, Inc., the convenience store division of Byrne D
airy, applied to the planning board to allow for the construction of a commercial grocery and food convenience store with motor vehicle fueling facilities at 2349 Nelson St. (Rt. 20).
The plan calls for a 4,232-square-foot retail food store, four fuel pump stations with a covered canopy, 35 parking spaces, and associated landscaping, signage, lighting, stormwater management facilities, and connections to existing utilities and Route 20.
The Byrne Dairy will be built on the northerly side of Nelson Street, immediately adjacent to and east of a small mixed-use office building. The project site — which is two lots removed from the existing McDonald’s and three lots removed from the existing Town and County Plaza shopping center — is zoned as Village Edge North (VEN). Within the VEN Zoning District, a convenience store with fuel sales is a permitted use upon the issuance of a special use permit.
“A public hearing was duly scheduled, noticed, held, and reconvened on multiple dates, during the course of which all those wishing to be heard on this matter, both in favor of and in opposition to the application, were duly heard by the planning board,” the Byrne Dairy approval resolution states. “[The board] has also received a number of written comments, both in favor of and in opposition to the application, which have been reviewed by the board and made part of the record.”
The application was referred to the village engineers, Dunn & Sgromo Engineers, PLLC; the Madison County Planning Agency; and the Village of Cazenovia Historic Preservation Committee. According to the resolution, the applicant and planning board considered all their recommendations and comments based on the originally submitted plans.
“I was very pleased with the process,” Planning Board Chairman Rich Huftalen said on March 11. “We had a lot of input both for and against the convenience store. [The] applicant worked with many suggestions that improved the proposal from its original submission in November. I’m glad to have Byrne Dairy making this investment [in] one of the last few developable parcels in Village Edge North, the only zone that can accommodate this type of commercial development.”
The planning board granted the special permit, site plan, and architectural approvals subject to the applicant’s compliance with multiple conditions.
The adopted resolution also includes a negative declaration under the NYS Environmental Quality Review Act, signifying that the approval of this action will not have any significant adverse effects on the environment.
“I am appreciative of the planning board’s efforts [in] working with community members and the applicant over the last few months to reach a successful outcome,” said Village Mayor Kurt Wheeler. “We look forward to welcoming Byrne Dairy to Cazenovia.”
The resolution adopted by the board is on file in the clerk’s office in the Village Municipal Building.
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