City of Lawrence extends water boil advisory through Tuesday morning
Mar 17, 2025
LAWRENCE, Ind. — While the break in the water main at Lawrence Utilities’ Fort Harrison Water Treatment Plant has been repaired, a boil advisory remains in effect at least through Tuesday morning for all Lawrence water customers.
”We have taken samples today,” said Utilities Director of A
dministration Tom Speer on Monday. “Those have been delivered to the lab. We’re looking for bacteria. They’ve been delivered to the lab today. We are hoping to have results back by tomorrow afternoon, at the latest Wednesday morning.”
The break was first reported at 12:30 a.m. Saturday and was repaired within 24 hours, though crews wrapped up work on the site just before noon Monday.
Despite temperatures being above freezing throughout the weekend, the main was compromised by winter conditions.
”When your ground freezes, it shifts, and then when it thaws out, it shifts again, so that causes the movement underground,” said Utilities Superintendent Paul Wanner, “and when you have the temperature dropping down low, going up warmer, colder, warmer, that’s when you get the breaks.”
Though two other plants stayed online, the lack of water pressure during the break risked the introduction of contaminants or bacteria into the full system which resulted in the boil advisory.
Officials suggest boiling water for five minutes before drinking or cooking activities though the water should be safe for bathing and clothes and dish washing.
At Fitzgeralds Lunch House, cashier Ann Steele advised customers that their beverage choices had changed.
”So today because of the boil water city of Lawrence we’re telling people that we have bottles of water and cans of soda because we can’t use our machines due to them running on City water,” she said. ”We will use instead just plain water and bleach to wipe down the tables we will use an actual sanitizer spray so we can clean the tables and not affect other things.” more read less