State senators’ involvement in LSU student election described as ‘bizarre’
Mar 17, 2025
Two Louisiana state senators stepped in to get a pair of former student legislative aides back on the ballot for their LSU campus government election after they were initially removed for allegedly setting up bribes for votes, Louisiana Illuminator reports.
Alex Foret and Isabelle Tatman, both st
udent workers in the Louisiana Senate, were recently disqualified as candidates for student body president and vice president, respectively.
Their opponents accused Foret of offering to buy dinner for fraternity members who would support his campaign, The Reveille student newspaper reported, and the LSU Student Government Judicial Branch Election Court, which handles such disputes, disqualified the Foret-Tatman ticket from the race in late February.
State Sens. Alan Seabaugh, R-Shreveport, and Gregory Miller, R-Norco, filed a brief in the students’ appeal last weekend in support of the ousted candidates. The original ruling to remove Foret and Tatman was upheld last week, but LSU Dean of Students Fran’Cee Brown-McClure has intervened to place the ticket back on the ballot for the March 20-21 election.
The senators’ involvement in college student government raises concerns for political analyst Robert Collins, a professor at Dillard University in New Orleans.
“It’s not just inappropriate. Quite frankly, it’s bizarre,” Collins says. “It sounds like basically what they’re trying to do is intimidate the student judges that are on the panel, basically frighten them.”
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