Citrus County deputies will start wearing body cams this summer: Sheriff
Mar 17, 2025
A change is coming to the Citrus County Sheriff's Office this summer.Sheriff David Vincent said on Monday that starting June 30, all Patrol Division personnel will wear body cameras during their daily interactions. The agency sa
id it had signed a contract with Axon, a law enforcement technology company, for the equipment."Implementing a program like this isnt as simple as buying the cameras," Sheriff Vincent said on Facebook. "Theres a lot that goes into ittraining, policies, data management, and, of course, funding. We knew this was a major investment, but we also knew it was the right thing to do."Training will begin in April before it moves into the testing phase in May."My commitment in this first year was to find funding in the current budget, which did present challenges, since I did not create it. My message to staff on January 7th was that whatever the priorities were on January 6th are no longer the priorities of the Citrus County Sheriffs Office regarding funding/projects," Vincent continued. "I challenged staff to find the funding through their individual departments that would not cause us to ask for any further county allocations to this project in year one. After weeks of proposals and reviews of current practices, I am happy to say that CCSO is committing $385,000 this year to fund this initiative. We are also exploring all external funding sources to help sustain this program such as federal grants and state appropriations."Other law enforcement agencies currently using body cameras include the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office, Pinellas County Sheriff's Office and Pasco County Sheriff's Office. more read less