Amazing Grace sends hope to Stillwater after family loses everything in fires
Mar 16, 2025
STILLWATER, Okla. (KFOR) - Scott McKinley and his family escaped the flames in Stillwater Friday, but when the smoke settled, all that was left of their home was hope and his bagpipes.
"I think we just really needed something therapeutic in that moment," said McKinley.
Mckinley has played bagp
ipes for years, and he has lived in Stillwater for just about the same amount of time.
"There's something about this community in Stillwater; it stays with you," said McKinley.
He and his wife found out the fires were headed their way, so they got prepared. McKinley said he and another neighbor tried fighting the flames.
"It was coming at us from the north, and we pretty much tackled it, with garden hoses," said McKinley.
But from the south, he said, the flames were too strong, and they overtook them.
He and his wife grabbed their daughters and their pets, and he got his bagpipes, and they ran.
"We need music. It's just something I knew we would need," said McKinley.
The family came back later that night to find their home completely gone. Images posted on his Facebook page showed their home almost completely flattened.
"Worst fears have been confirmed…our house is in ashes, but family is safe, which is all that matters…it’s funny how things like this make you truly thankful for the people in your life," McKinley posted on Facebook.
The next post, McKinley playing the tune Amazing Grace on his pipes.
"It was therapeutic for us. I had a moment where I looked in the mirror and where the only clothes that I had on were the ones I had on when the fire first came," said McKinley.
His video went everywhere online, with many putting #StillwaterStrong on it.
"We definitely needed it, and I think the community needed it," said McKinley.
Right now, his family is living with his parents, who aren't far from where their own home was. He said he's been through a lot of disasters in Stillwater and that his family is usually the one going to help out other people.
"I'm not used to this. Asking for help," said McKinley.
Several GoFundMes have been created to help out the McKinley family. You can donate by clicking here. more read less