Trenton’s attempt to rekindle Stacy Park’s past deserves more attention (L.A. PARKER COLUMN)
Mar 16, 2025
A video posted on Facebook by the City of Trenton on October 7, 2024 includes Mayor Reed Gusciora, Recreation Director Paul Harris and a contractor named Julio.
The three men discuss a project that removed alleged invasive species of brush and dead or decaying trees from a mile long swath of land in
Stacy Park.
In the background, men holding blowers kick up dirt and dust that blows nearby Delaware River. Mayor Gusciora gushes over the incredible vistas now available for residents who visit Stacy Park.
While Gusciora maintains all trees removed were flawed, his assessment ranks as distortion. He had no answer regarding who made the determination about the condition of trees cut down. He could not produce the name of Julio’s company while Harris did not respond to a request for information.
Several personal visits to one site showed no trees marked for removal. Men with cutting machinery delivered a scorched earth blitzkrieg to an area just north of the Trenton Water Works facility.
The project obliterated an area that included birds, insects, bees, squirrels, amphibians, reptiles, bacteria, fungi, shrubs, etc., all important in this natural masterpiece.
Gusciora has boasted that Department of Environmental Protection officials did not fine the city for destructive behavior, only requested Trenton present a plan of restoration. Tell me, please, how does a city restore 40 or 50 years of an ecosystem?
This blatant disregard for the sanctity of nature disguised as something local residents desired and demanded, lists as careless and dreadfully short-sighted.
The flip side to this travesty requires a thorough understanding of how contractor Julio obtained this contract; the name of his company; location; which pot of money paid for the project, etc. Moving forward, how will a city that struggles to maintain 26 parks, watch over this newly created space?
Gusciora and Harris believe this area will attract guests. Will the city add security guards who drive cars on an access road? Gusciora mentioned adding a boat launch while Harris blushed about movies under the stars, barbecue grills, picnic tables.
“Can you imagine a classical music concert right here,” Harris asked. (Or, maybe Black Classical Music by Yussef Dayes, Paul?)
It’s laughable when Gusciora expresses a desire to return Stacy Park to conditions in the 1970s. A segment Trenton residents should guard against heading so far back that we lose identity, freedom, and power.
Here’s a personal line of questioning used frequently. Since, Mr. Gusciora enjoys a social connection with Princeton residents, a relationship that dates back to his time as an assemblyman, would ecology conscious citizens there allow him to run roughshod over their environment? No.
A final assignment. Access the six-minute Facebook video created by Harris, Reed and Julio down by the river. Look, listen and understand they committed a violent assault of Mother Nature.
L.A. Parker is a Trentonian columnist. Find him on Twitter @LAParker6 or email him at more read less