In re: Signal article, Bill Reynolds honored with post office renaming, by Maya Morales, Aug. 27.
I would like to add my thanks to my good friend and fellow Marine Art Stilwell, the manager of customer relations at the post office, and Postmaster Eddy Loyola for the outstanding job they did in
cleaning up the grounds and having all new landscaping/plants added for the event honoring Bill. And those much-needed improvements have been retained and are being maintained beautifully.
For those who haven’t seen the improvements, I would suggest taking a drive by the post office at corner of McBean Parkway and Creekside Road, right across the street from the Red Robin restaurant, and see how beautiful it is.
And it’s also worth stopping by to see the plaques on either side of the entrance doors: one for Ronald Reagan, who was president when the office opened, and the other for my good friend and Vietnam veteran Bill Reynolds, whose story is featured in the above-referenced Signal article.
My thanks to everyone involved, and especially to Art and Eddy!
Rick Barker
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