We can never unsee these labor and delivery gender reveal cakes
Mar 14, 2025
Just when you thought you had seen every type of gender reveal possible, a Brazilian baker dreamed up one more.
Taisnara A. Pedruzzi, who owns Taisnara Bolos in Vargem Alta in Brazil, captured the internet’s attention with gender reveal cakes that simulate labor and delivery — both in vaginal
and C-section forms.
Yes, you read that right.
This mom of three, who specializes in hyperrealistic cakes (just check out her turkey and stroganoff designs!), communicated with TODAY.com via email translation.
“The first one I made was at the beginning of last year, for the gender reveal of our baby who was on the way. He is now 8 months old,” Pedruzzi writes.
Her C-section cake requires parents to use a knife to make a careful incision underneath the mom’s belly. Then they pull out a tiny figure, connected to the cake by a paper “umbilical cord.” The baby has either a pink or blue heart to indicate gender of the baby to come.
In the year that followed, the Instagram video gained 3.4 million likes and many spirited comments, from “traumatic” to “fantastic.”
Due to popular request, Pedruzzi created a gender reveal cake that simulated a vaginal birth.
In this cake, the mom character is wearing a dress. When a future parent presses gently down on her belly, a baby (and a gooey substance that represents “amniotic fluid”) slides out of the hem of her dress along with a baby with a pink or blue heart.
Comments were a bit more negative than they were for the first cake. One viewer wrote, “I’d rather actually give birth than see this again.”
Labor and delivery gender reveal cakes baker. (Courtesy Taisnara A. Pedruzzi)
Pedruzzi is unfazed by any internet negativity and appreciated the orders that the gender reveal cakes generated. In fact, the video was so popular that she made a step-by-step video showing how to create the design and she says it has encouraged other pastry professionals to follow suite.
“There were some comments criticizing the cake, but it’s not possible to please everyone,” she shares.
This story first appeared on TODAY.com. More from TODAY:
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