INVESTIGATIVE UNIT: State Police captain's blood test shows twice the legal driving limit for alcohol
Mar 14, 2025
BATON ROUGE - The State Police captain accused of crashing into a Baton Rouge Police car and another vehicle in late February had a blood-alcohol level twice the legal limit for driving, according to a police report.Belinda Murphy, who has since retired from State Police, got a blood test after the
Feb. 25 crash, the report shows. She had a blood-alcohol reading of 0.16 grams percent. A reading of 0.08 is considered presumptive evidence of drunken driving in Louisiana.Murphy was off duty but in a State Police vehicle at the time of the 3 a.m. crash at the intersection of Plank Road and Harding Boulevard, police said.Investigators said Murphy, who is 53, ran a red light at the intersection and crashed into the BRPD car and a third vehicle.All three drivers were taken to hospitals for treatment of injuries that ranged from minor to moderate, police said at the time.Murphy was given a summons for DWI, vehicular negligent injuring and for running the light.Permalink| Comments more read less