Trenton Water Works to resume service terminations for past due balances
Mar 14, 2025
Trenton Water Works (TWW) will resume shutting off water service for customers with unpaid bills beginning Monday, March 17.
The utility will mail shut-off notices to affected customers, who will have 15 days to contact TWW to avoid service termination.
“TWW will begin terminating accounts that ar
e 90 days past due, so we urge customers experiencing payment challenges to call Customer Care to learn about payment agreements,” said Michael Walker, spokesman for the city’s Department of Water and Sewer, which operates Trenton Water Works.
Residential customers with delinquent balances exceeding $1,500 that are at least 90 days old can establish a 12-month payment plan with a 25 percent initial payment of the total past-due amount.
Commercial customers with delinquent balances that are 90 days old can set up a three-month payment agreement with a 50 percent initial payment.
“Payment plans cannot be longer than 12 months for residential accounts and three months for commercial accounts,” added Walker. “Contacting us to help get you into the right payment agreement is key to keeping service active and avoid other collections action, such as a water lien and sale.”
Several Mercer County nonprofits offer assistance for residents struggling with utility bills, including Arm In Arm, Catholic Charities, HomeFront, the Mercer County Board of Social Services, Mount Carmel Guild, and United Way of Greater Mercer County.
Customers can contact TWW’s Customer Care call center from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, at 1-866-TWW-BLUE. more read less