Bill aiming to redefine marriage struck down by Senate
Mar 13, 2025
BISMARCK, ND (KXNET) — Same-sex couples around the state can breathe a sigh of relief as the Senate voted down a resolution that would have urged the Supreme Court to redefine marriage.
House Concurrent Resolution 3013 aimed to define marriage as a union between a man and a woman, and not betwe
en two people of the same sex.
At an emotional hearing on Wednesday, March 12, supporters of the bill called Obergefell v. Hodges an overreach, and wanted the decision on marriage to be brought back to the states. At the hearing, they cited examples from U.S. founding documents and bible verses as to why the bill should go through.
Those against the bill said it would accomplish nothing and send a message to people in same-sex relationships that they are not welcome in the state. They cited interracial marriage as an example of something that was once illegal but is now acceptable.
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Legislators from across the political spectrum shared their thoughts on the bill being struck down. Representative Matt Ruby said he voted for the bill on the House floor, but immediately regretted his decision.
"I'm glad it failed. It deserved to fail. We should have killed it in the House," said Rep. Ruby (R/Minot). "I've got a lot of friends who I've celebrated at their weddings that I felt it was a little bit of a betrayal when I did vote that way, so it is nice to see that get defeated."
"You did it. We all did it," said Representative Austin Foss (D/Fargo). "You made your senators aware of the pain that that's causing people, you know, you made your voice heard and honestly all of the people that have been supportive of the opposition to this, they are the ones that got this to fail. Like they're the reason that we were able to defeat this awful, awful resolution."
Senator Josh Boschee (D-Fargo) requested a roll call vote to show which senators voted for and against the bill. However, they decided to vote blindly. The bill was defeated 16-31.
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