Bismarck Police annual report shows a general decline in crime, but some increases
Mar 13, 2025
BISMARCK, ND (KXNET) — Crime in the capital city is shifting. While some numbers are dropping, property crimes are moving in the opposite direction.
Overall, crime in Bismarck is actually down about 4 percent from last year.
"Probably about six years or so ago, we kind of turned towards in
telligence-led policing," said Bismarck Police Chief Dave Draovitch.
Police are using data to find crime hotspots and are sending officers where they're needed most— stopping crime before it happens.
"We have an intelligence officer, an intelligence analyst, and they're always looking at what's going on in the community," Draovitch said. "Not only here in Bismarck, but Mandan, Lincoln, Burleigh County, Morton County, and all the state and federal agencies also contribute intelligence as they develop it and can share it. Taking that information and really focusing on the problem areas that are noticed."
And people are noticing.
"I feel safe," said Joseph Sollmann, a local. "I don't have any issues walking around or anything like that."
"I always feel safe in Bismarck, regardless of where I am," said Dawn Kopp, another local.
But when you look closer at specific crimes that hit home, like getting robbed or having your house broken into and even drug-related offenses, those are actually increasing.
Drug crimes may not seem like they affect everyone, but police say they fuel other problems like theft, break-ins, and even violent crimes. However, after years of drug overdoses nearly doubling before leveling off, 2023 and 2024 finally saw a decrease in overdoses and overdose deaths.
Aggravated assaults are also down 15 percent, as well as simple assaults, which have dropped 5 percent. Even vandalism is happening less often.
"Curious thing about these, studying the crime numbers is they fluctuate sometimes year to year or sometimes over the years," Chief Draovitch said.
When those numbers change, so do police strategies.
"But we do work on our communication with all the various agencies that are in the Bismarck, Mandan area," Draovitch said. "And that communication, I think, helps us direct efforts towards whatever, whoever is causing most harm in the community."
"I think our police do a good job," Sollmann said. "You know, they're always active and you see their patrol vehicles going down the streets. So that, I think, helps with the feeling of safety around the town."
Police say they're not doing it alone.
"Bismarck is very good at keeping an eye on their neighborhood and what's going on, and that keeps our community safe right there," Chief Draovitch said. "I mean, when you have 75,000 eyes keeping an eye on what's going on, I mean, that's that's a lot of people able to deter crime right there."
Police say they plan to use drones to help enhance safety across the city.
You can read and download the complete crime report below.
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