The Observer view on the Russian aggression: Trump should heed Ukraine’s call for peace through strength
Jan 25, 2025
The conversation is no longer just about the present conflict, there is already an undeclared covert war under wayDonald Trump’s characteristically vociferous attempt last week to pressure Vladimir Putin into ending the war in Ukraine, which Russia’s leader launched three years ago next month, is a welcome shift. Throughout the US election campaign, the Republican candidate complained about the cost of military aid to Kyiv. He claimed the war would never have started had he been in the White House, and boasted he could end it “in 24 hours”. Trump also avoided personal criticism of Putin. The nature and history of their relationship has long been clouded in mystery. It still is.Yet Trump’s tone and emphasis have changed markedly since he began his second term as US president on Monday. Putin’s refusal to enter into unconditional negotiations endangered Russia as much as Ukraine, he said. “I think he should make a deal. I think he’s destroying Russia.” Overt threats quickly followed. Russia’s economy was imploding, Trump said. Putin should “settle now and stop this ridiculous war” or face US tariffs, taxes and additional sanctions. “We can do it the easy way, or the hard way – and the easy way is always better.” Continue reading...