LET THERE BE LIGHT! Rochester now gaining 2+ minutes of daylight a day
Jan 22, 2025
You know, when it's -2° outside, it can be difficult to notice our rapidly evolving daylight situation. We've been steadily gaining daylight since the late December winter solstice. The rate at which we gain daylight is not a straight line. Put another way, it snowballs from just a few seconds a day in December to several minutes a day (before decreasing again into summer solstice).
TWO MINUTES! We're now up to gaining 2+ minutes of fresh daylight every day!— Eric Snitil (@EricSnitilWx) January 22, 2025
Today was the day that net daylight increase eclipsed 2 minutes (two minutes and one second, to be exact). We'll continue to increase our daylight at an increasing rate all the way into late March where we'll peak around +2:57/day. March is also a big month because of the time change early in the month. Rochester's sunset crosses 6pm March 1st and jumps to 7:09 pm on March 9th as the clocks spring forward.
Now if we can only get some sunshine around here...