Donors needed: Red Cross looks to keep blood supply stable
Jan 22, 2025
ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WROC) - The American Red Cross is sharing a renewed push for blood donations following nearly 500 blood drive cancellations across the U.S.
Officials said winter weather and complications from the cold and flu season are to blame for the cancellations, which means it's that much more important to donate.
One year ago at this time, the Red Cross faced an emergency blood shortage. While supply is stable now, the amount of cancellations nationwide is concerning to officials.
"The need for blood is constant. We know that the shelf life for blood is very finite, anywhere from five days to three weeks. You're coming on that time of year where we are already typically seeing a significant decrease in people coming out, whether that's because of the winter weather or because of cold and flu season. That's why we're really putting the call out now," said Meg Rossman of the American Red Cross's WNY chapter.
Rossman said locally, the Red Cross has not seen a significant need to cancel many donation drives. However, she said the push for donors will only help to keep supply strong for those in need.
"The blood supply right now is stable. But a year ago this month, we were in the midst of an emergency blood shortage. It's because of those compounding factors. We just don't see those numbers coming out. We're stable right now, but given the number of drives canceled nationwide and given the fact we're likely to see more storms in the coming days and weeks, that could significantly impact things," said Rossman. "Every two seconds, someone is in need of a life-saving blood product. It's so important, not just this time of year, but year-round. It's still early enough in the year where you can make it your resolution to donate blood."
For more information and to make an appointment, you're encouraged to visit the Red Cross's website or call 1(800) RED-CROSS.
Those who give blood between now and Sunday will be entered to win a paid trip for two to the Super Bowl in New Orleans.