Once again, we’re waking up to temperatures in the single digits and wind chill values around, if not below zero. Later today, we’ll see highs in the upper teens and low 20s. It’ll be mostly sunny, at least, so you can wear your sunglasses along with all your layers.
Tomorrow will be warmer… but not exactly warm. High temperatures will hover right around freezing (technically below average still, but at least we’re out of the 20s at this point)! Clouds will increase as well thanks to a storm to our south. That same storm could also send a flurry or two our way in the afternoon/evening.
While we gain more sunshine back on Friday and Saturday, temperatures remain in the low 30s. Sunday, however, while we’ll see a few more clouds, temperatures will increase to the upper 30s! Again, not exactly toasty, but at least we’re back toward our average highs for this time of year.
Categories: News, Weather Forecast