Safe Home's 'stability' in Sioux Falls
Jan 21, 2025
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — Safe Home in central Sioux Falls sits on a hill, and Dave Brown's window in his room here affords him an elevated view of the city's skyline. And given where he's been and where he is now, this sunny afternoon's perspective is fitting.
"As far as where I was to where I am now, I would consider that a success, and it takes patience and will," Brown said. "This place has a lot to do with that."
Homelessness in Sioux Falls: Numbers and needs
Brown estimates that he spent around 18 months experiencing the weight of homelessness in recent years.
"I've been through it all, the rain, the snow, freeze," Brown said. "And it's tough, and you kind of lose a sense of pride."
But not anymore. Today, he has a home; it's here. Safe Home is a Minnehaha County program for people struggling with homelessness and alcohol addiction. Case manager Randy Dobberpuhl says it offers hope and accompaniment.
"You get someone in your corner when you move in here to help you find those resources and connect to 'em, to different medical appointments, job interviews," Dobberpuhl said.
"The staff here is really, really, really good about accommodating us, getting us to our medical appointments or resources that we can use as far as jobs and any outreach programs that are available out there," Brown said.
For Brown, Safe Home means "stability." And he's seen progress, too.
"I've really cut back on my drinking since I've moved in here," Brown said.
He once stayed at the Bishop Dudley Hospitality House in Sioux Falls, where Madeline Shields is executive director. And she and Brown review Safe Home in similar ways.
“We need more places like that," Shields said.
"I hope that there is room for expansion for more apartment buildings like this," Brown said.
Safe Home includes 33 single-occupancy rooms. Right now all are filled, and there is a waitlist for available space.