CRRUA: Full year of arsenic testing done with results that meet standards
Jan 20, 2025
EL PASO, Texas (KTSM) — The Camino Real Regional Utility Authority (CRRUA) says it's completed a full year of voluntary testing with results that meet Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards for arsenic of 10 parts per billion (ppb), the utility said in a press release on Monday, Jan. 20.
The CRRUA says it conducted voluntarily arsenic testing twice a month from February through May followed by monthly testing from June through December of last year and January.
The CRRUA also says that water samples, taken on Jan. 8 are below the EPA Maximum Contaminate Level (MCL) for arsenic of 10 parts per billion and have been verified by Eurofins Environment Testing, an NMED-certified water testing lab.
"The Sunland Park ATF was 6.6 ppb, the Santa Teresa Community ATF was 7.4 ppb, and the Santa Teresa Industrial ATF was 5.4 ppb. CRRUA excluded Border Entry ATF from its voluntary testing due to its continued meeting of federal and state requirements," the CRRUA said.
Data provided by the CRRUA.
Crosby took charge of CRRUA in January 2024 and initiated voluntary monthly testing in February, the utility said.