Firefighter Tim shares simple exercises to keep you energized at work
Jan 16, 2025
1-16-25 Stay Fit With Firefighter Tim
INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – On Thursday, Firefighter Tim Griffin with the Carmel Fire Department showed “Life.Style.Live!” Host Cody Adams some simple moves to help keep you in shape, even at the office.
Firefighter Tim Griffin and “Life.Style.Live!” Host Cody Adams do a simple desk workout. (PHOTO: Emily Reuben/WISH)
It can be especially difficult to get back into an exercise routine after the holidays. However, there are easy movements that can be done even from the comfort of your desk to keep things simple.
The idea is simple: take breaks throughout the day to stretch, move and energize your body.
You can keep your body energized throughout the workday by getting up every hour and doing five to six minutes of movement.
These simple desk workouts are about getting your body moving and your mind refreshed, making it easier to stay on track with fitness goals throughout the year.