SC Senate debates K12 Lottery Scholarship Bill
Jan 16, 2025
COLUMBIA, S.C. (WSPA) - One of the first bills being debated in the South Carolina legislative session could affect your child’s education.
The Senate Education Subcommittee and Full Committee met last week to discuss a bill on the top of Senator Greg Hembree's priority list, and now it’s being debated on the senate floor.
The bill on the table involves the K-12 Education Lottery Scholarship, and whether certain taxpayer money should go to private schools. Today the senate debated this bill. After being struck down last year by the state Supreme Court, the Chair of the Education Committee Senator Greg Hembree said the new bill extends the poverty level eligibility.
"K-12 lottery scholarships provide families with additional choice for the education of our children with a priority given to low-income families." Hembree said.
Senator Ronnie Sabb said he is very concerned that the bill was not brought through the normal committee process.
"Bills come before us in nontraditional ways, we don't have the opportunity to learn, to study and then to act. "
Senator Russell Ott said he is concerned about students transferring to other schools based on sports.
"So what if it's because the kid is not getting enough playing time on the football field and the parent doesn't like that so now, they want to be able to move to a school where they get a little extra - that has nothing to do with the education of the child," Ott said.
Senator Hembree replied, "I think there is going to be all sorts of individual circumstances, but overall that kid's locked in whether they like it or not."
Senator Hembree said even though the state supreme court was previously against the law, he believes it will support this bill.
Other parts of the bill being debated include clarifying student transfer requirements, and how soon they can participate in a school sport after transferring schools.