FCPS announces NTI day due to bad road conditions
Jan 15, 2025
LEXINGTON, Ky. (ABC 36 NEWS NOW) — Fayette County Public Schools say students will have an NTI day Wednesday due to bad road conditions.
This marks day three of NTI days for FCPS. Students have been home since the start of their winter break in late December.
According to district officials, bus routes are still too dangerous because of icy roads.
Officials say there were slick road conditions Tuesday for bus drivers testing the routes. Tow trucks were called in to rescue some of the buses.
FCPS Superintendent Dr. Demetrus Liggins says more than 100 neighborhood streets are inaccessible.
“As many as 119 streets and neighborhoods were identified as inaccessible for buses,” he said. “Including Sandersville, Southpoint, Castlewood, Highland Park, and Carducci just to name just a few. This equates to thousands of students who need access to bus transportation to attend school.”
Superintendent Liggins says they have shared the street locations with the city. The district has also considered alternative bus routes, but there were concerns for student safety.
In the meantime, the district is asking homeowners and businesses to clear their sidewalks to help students return to school and make it safe for walkers.
Categories: Featured, Local News, News
Tags: bad road conditions, FCPS, Ice, nti day, snow, Winter Weather