Teen donates homemade owl boxes to city of Hanford
Jan 14, 2025
HANFORD, Calif. (KSEE/KGPE) - A 17-year-old donated four homemade owl boxes to the City of Hanford.
The city says Benjamin Rogado, built the boxes with his fellow Boy Scouts of America Troop 432 members for his Eagle Scout project.
Two boxes sit high above the City's Cooperation Yard off 10th Avenue.
The city says the idea for the owl boxes came from the city's Building Superintendent Randy Shaw, who noticed owl boxes had previously been used in the yard but had been removed from their platforms some time ago.
Shaw contacted Troop 432's Scoutmaster about working together to replace the boxes. He says the presence of owls will help keep rats and mice out of the yard.
The city says the two other boxes will eventually be installed at a different city property, perhaps a park.