Solar farm could be coming to Greece to power town operations
Jan 06, 2025
GREECE, N.Y. (WROC) — Following the town of Henrietta's receipt of state funds to upgrade one of its substations with a new transformer, the town of Greece told News 8 Monday that it is looking to build its own solar farm off Ridge Road.
The power from the farm would supply power to municipal operations, including powering the town hall, the library, and the street lights: anything that the town has to power for its operations.
"It will save taxpayers money and the return on that is about four years from the completion of the construction, from the point of four years and beyond, it will be savings of $1 million a year," said town supervisor Bill Reilich. "Therefore because we are not paying electrical bills, we will be generating electricity back to RG&E that can be reapplied elsewhere."
The RFPs are due Thursday. The town is pursuing grant funding to cover half of the estimated $10 million price tag.
If the grants come through and the proposals are feasible, Reilich says construction would start this year, and could take as little time as six months to a year.