New Cell phone policy takes effect in SC Schools
Jan 06, 2025
COLUMBIA, SC (WOLO)– It is back to school for most students this week and there will be changes when it come to cell phones.
There is a new school policy in the state. Beginning in January any cell phones, devices and accessories, which include smart watches and earbuds, are to be powered down and stored inside backpacks during school hours. According to the policy, a personal electronic communication device is considered to be a device not authorized for classroom use by a student, utilized to access the internet, wi-fi, or cellular telephone signals.
According to the policy, exceptions are made for emergency situations as determined by the school district; and for students that require personal electronic devices for purposes of their individualized education program , Medical Plan, or 504 Plan. This Policy does not apply to school buses, field trips, or athletic events.
School districts across the Midlands and South Carolina are required to enforce this policy in compliance with a bill that was passed by the state government.
Categories: Local News
Tags: cell phone, SC Schools