Dec 16, 2024
(KRON) -- An autistic child who went missing in Fairfield last week was located with the assistance of a drone, according to the Fairfield Police Department. Police responded Wednesday to a missing person report on the 4700 block of Business Center Drive. Officers were informed a 16-year-old autistic child was missing from the location. The nearby terrain presented a challenge, authorities said, and Fairfield PD Officer Swoyer arrived to assist with a drone equipped with a thermal imager. With the drone in flight, Swoyer successfully used the thermal imager to find the missing child within a thick brush in an open field. Photo: Fairfield Police Department A photo from the drone shared by police shows the child lying down, easily visible with the thermal imaging camera. Suspect tosses replica gun into Jack in the Box trash while fleeing Vallejo police “Thanks to quick thinking and technology, the child was safely reunited with his family,” Fairfield PD said.
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