Daily Horoscope for December 12, 2024
Dec 11, 2024
General Daily Insight for December 12, 2024
The skies are bubbling with drama and excitement. Alluring Venus in eclectic Aquarius is making a rare opposition to fiery Mars in showy Leo at 5:46 am EST, and they will be sending out sparks and flares at one another all day, giving every one of us something to be excited about. The Moon in Taurus will then sextile stable Saturn, so we can make use of this heady transit. Afterward, a final lunar quincunx to the Sun will remind us to keep an open mind.
March 21 – April 19
Other people want you to come out and play, even if you’re more interested in pursuing your own pleasures. Willful Venus in your outgoing 11th house is opposing your sign’s traditional ruling planet, fierce Mars, in your excitable 5th house, creating something of a tug-o-war overhead. It will be difficult to decide whether to go along with other people’s plans or forge your unique path. You probably can’t have your cake and eat it too, so try to make your choice sooner rather than later.
April 20 – May 20
You may find yourself actively pulled in several directions. Charmed Venus is spinning along through your 10th House of Business, polishing your appearance to a professional sign, even as its opposition to action-oriented Mars in your 4th House of Roots stirs up activity at home. You could get tugged away from your work at any moment! Endless distractions may prove irritable, but Venus should ensure you don’t get the raw end of the deal — just handle one issue at a time.
May 21 – June 20
The world is full of possibilities, but you may not be able to explore all of them at once. Venus in your philosophical 9th house is inspiring you to cross borders and make discoveries in your search for satisfaction, though its opposition to Mars in your local community sector will keep you busy in the here and now. Even if you’d love to go flying off beyond the horizon, some sort of action or run-in will likely keep you local for the time being.
June 21 – July 22
You may find yourself throwing your money around in one direction or another. Venus in your 8th House of Unions is making an unusual opposition to Mars in your 2nd House of Earned Income. You could be drawn to big purchases or major investments — the sort of thing that will be present in your life for a long time. Be sure to do the proper research before opening your wallet! Venus is on your side, but it can’t do everything for you.
July 23 – August 22
Your relationships are up for inspection. Venus in your 7th House of Cooperation is sending out arrows across the sky to Mars in your headstrong sign, which can make it a little difficult to meet someone else halfway. That doesn’t mean you don’t want to compromise at all, simply that you may both be on very different pages when it comes to your plans for the day. Everyone involved will need to be flexible if you’re going to make things work.
August 23 – September 22
Don’t overthink things today. Life is allowed to be easy and gentle as pleasure-loving Venus waltzes through your routine 6th house. That said, Venus is opposing energetic Mars in your contemplative 12th house, which could make it feel like you’re forgetting something, even if you’re not. Make a clear list of the things you need to do, and tend to them first and foremost so you don’t spiral out, worrying you’ve missed something. You haven’t — it’s just the stars playing tricks.
September 23 – October 22
Having fun will be easier said than done today. You would likely love to dance in the sun while effervescent Venus tours your 5th House of Recreation, but you might need to survey the crowd first as Venus locks into a tense opposition with Mars in your 11th House of Socialization. Perhaps other people have plans involving you that you didn’t know about, or maybe a peer needs your help before you can do your own thing. One step at a time.
October 23 – November 21
You can only accomplish so much at once — and you probably won’t want to, with Venus napping in your introverted 4th house, making it difficult to get up off the couch. Still, once Venus pokes Mars in your professional 10th house, responsibility could come calling with little warning. You may need to step in suddenly to save the day, or a supervisor might assign you a last-minute task, drawing you out from your abode. Do what you must, then treat yourself after.
November 22 – December 21
It’s easy to miss the forest for the trees right now. Venus in your 3rd House of Dialogue is giving you plenty of reasons to get out and communicate with others in your neighborhood. Be careful — once Venus shoves Mars in your 9th House of Exploration, the sheer amount of potential conversations or activities available could dizzy you. Don’t get caught up in what-ifs, and keep your focus on the pleasure easily within reach. Keep your adventures local for now.
December 22 – January 19
Watch out for green-eyed monsters! You’re in a particularly lovely time of year while Venus wings its way through your expensive 2nd house, helping you pad your wallet and increase the quality of your lifestyle. However, the argument between Venus and Mars in your obsessed 8th house could inspire other people to jealously covet what you have, and even try to get their claws on it one way or another. That doesn’t mean everyone is out to get you, but be aware of people’s intentions.
January 20 – February 18
People may not be as sensitive or receptive to your needs as you would like. You’re prone to being your most pleasant self while gentle Venus tours your sign, but no matter how kind or helpful you are, it seems others won’t pick up on it as Venus opposes aggressive Mars in your projection zone. If people bring nothing but complications or problems your way, don’t feel it is your job to fix it, especially not now. Everyone is responsible for their own behavior!
February 19 – March 20
You can only check out from life for so long before you get plugged right back in. It’s perfectly understandable if you want to float along while loving Venus is in your 12th House of Escapism, but you’ll be shaken out of any reveries when Venus opposes Mars in your 6th House of Discipline. A co-worker or client may need your help, or maybe you’re abruptly in demand as the only person who can handle a particular task. Accept your responsibilities as best you can.