Nov 18, 2024
Connections Central Wondering how to move forward in a world of division? Silence divides us. CONNECTIONS brings us together to share our stories and meaningful conversations to build friendships and strengthen our community. No doubt you know people who are feeling emotional or overwhelmed about our national election. People are either exhilarated or worried. And many people don’t know what to say to others — uncertain about who might agree or disagree with them. But regardless of our individual political leanings, we are all concerned because we recognize that we are becoming even further divided. Now more than ever, we need to talk with one another, to build bridges and heal our community. It’s so important to stay involved and connected with one another. Organizations like CONNECTIONS Central have been helping people to connect with one another, to address social isolation and build a stronger sense of community. The purpose of CONNECTIONS is to enable everyone to meet face to face and share their experiences and stories on whatever topic the group chooses to discuss — experiences that have influenced who we are and what we regard as important in our lives. It is not a space for people to argue with or try to convince one another about our beliefs or the validity of our ideas. The conversations are facilitated to ensure they stay on topic, stay positive and give everyone the chance to participate by sharing their own stories — or just to listen if they prefer. Storytelling is one of the oldest and most effective educational traditions in the world — it is an amazing way to learn from one another. It enables us to really connect with others, to see the world through another person’s eyes and to understand other perspectives. It helps us to find our common ground. CONNECTIONS believes that we all ultimately have more in common then we have difference. So why not come out to one of the CONNECTIONS gatherings and participate in meaningful, heartfelt conversation, and get to know and better understand others in our community - without any other agenda. It’s growing in popularity throughout Nevada and beyond! Check out our local events at It’s free and it’s energizing.
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